This survey should be modified to suit your membership.
Part 1: Tell us about yourself
- Age:
- 16-25
- 26-35
- 36-45
- 46-55
- 56-65
- Over 65
- My first language spoken is:
- English
- French
- Other (Please specify)
- I was born in Canada
- I was born in (Please name country)
- Union and Local
- Department
- City
- Are you elected to a union position?
- Yes
- No
- If so, please specify
- Would you describe your job as:
- Assembly
- Skilled trades
- Maintenance
- Office work
- Shipping
- Service
- Other (please specify)
- My last level of school finished was:
- Elementary
- Some high school
- Grade 12/High School completion
- Some college
- College certificate
- Some university
- University degree