This handbook is another in a series of tools being developed by the Canadian Labour Congress as part of its action plan, Learning in Solidarity: Sharing a Vision of Union Literacy. A key objective of the action plan is to share the wealth of collective experience and information we have gained in order to help the labour movement play a more active role and have a stronger voice in worker-centred literacy.
We want to thank the many union literacy advocates and activists who have helped shape labour's vision of workplace literacy. We have drawn heavily on the expertise the labour movement has developed over the years.
I would like to thank John Anderson for his work in researching and writing this handbook and Tamara Levine, Co-ordinator of the CLC's Workplace Literacy Project for co-ordinating and providing direction to the project. In addition, I would like to express my appreciation to the members of the project reference group for their in sightful feed back and advice: Laurell Ritchie, CAW; Gary Wylie, BEST, OFL; Jorge Garcia- Orgales, UFCW; Stacey Rousseau, UNITE; Ian Thorn, CEP; and Danny Mallett, CLC.
Jean-Claude Parrot,
Executive Vice-President
Canadian Labour Congress