ABC Canada: includes clear language tips, clear language in the workplace and a
directory of clear language providers (within the workplace education section).
Sun Microsystems' Web Style Guide
The Official Sun Microsystems Guideline Booklet: Writing for the Web
Good Documents: includes techniques and samples.
Canadian Association of Labour Media is a national organization of union communicators. CALM provides members with a monthly news and cartoon service, a quarterly graphics package and a quarterly newsletter, CALMideas. CALM also holds workshops on writing, design and computers for union editors. 2841 Riverside Dr., Ottawa, ON K1V 8X7
Editor: Rosemarie Bahr, 76 Westmount Ave., Toronto, ON M6H 3K1 (416) 656-2256 or 1-888-290-2256
Call your labour council, provincial federation of labour, regional office of the Canadian Labour Congress or your union's regional or national office. They may know labour resource people for clear language and design. You can also contact the Workplace Literacy Project of the Canadian Labour Congress, 2841 Riverside Drive, Ottawa K1 V 8X7, (613) 521-3400
Literacy organizations are usually good contacts for clear language and design consultants. For your local literacy organization, look in the Yellow Pages under Learn.
323 Chapel St., Ottawa, Ontario K1N 7Z2
(613) 238-5721
edu-ssl0.educ.queensu.ca/ -Ida
email: Idactaac@fox.nstn.ca.