Spelling Test!

The following words have been respelled the way they sound. Your task is to spell them the usual (correct) way. Their meanings are written beside them.

a kom uh DAY shun. Living premises.

BEN uh fit ed. Did good to.

seej. Blockade of a fortified place.

EK sta see. Feeling of great joy.

em BAH rus. Make feel awkward.

HEM muh rij. Bleeding.

i NOK yu layt. Treat with vaccine.

i REL uh vant. Not pertinent.

lee AY zun. A go-between.

RIH thum. A regular pattern.

weerd. Strange.

Norton, M. (1990). Preparing literacy tutors: A trainer’s manual. Cold Lake, Alberta: Lakeland College. ISBN 0-980683-10-X. Used with permission.

Handout 8.2