Fernald-Keller Technique
- Tutor: Asks for a word the learner wants to
- Learner: Selects word.
- Tutor: Asks for meaning of word or correct
use in a sentence.
- Learner: Demonstrates knowledge of the
- Tutor: Asks how many parts (syllables)
learner hears in the word.
- Learner: Responds and verifies by using the
dictionary with the tutor’s help. (Learners
at this stage are unable to use the dictionary
- Tutor: Writes the word in manuscript on
4" by 12" paper, then:
- says the word
- says each syllable in the word without
distortion as each part is written
(pronunciation of syllables)
- crosses ts and dots is
- says each part as each syllable is underlined
- says whole word
- Tutor: Demonstrates tracing technique as
- two fingers in contact with writing (index
and second finger – fingers kept stiff)
- says word
- says each part without distortion on the
initial stroke as each syllable is traced
- crosses ts and dots is from left to right
- says each syllable as each syllable is
- says the word
- repeats demonstration until learner expresses
readiness to do it
- Learner: Traces as described in step 8, above,
until learner feels she can write the word
without the copy.
- Tutor: Checks tracing as follows:
- stops learner upon error or hesitation
- recommends number of tracings
- commends success
- Learner: Turns paper over, writes the
word, and:
- says the word aloud
- says each syllable as she begins to write it
- says each as she underlines it
- Learner: Checks word against original copy:
- if correct, writes word again without copy
and checks against original copy – word must
be written correctly two successive times
- if unsuccessful, may make second attempt or
may retrace word until she learns it
- Learner: Dates the paper.
- Learner: Files the word.
- Tutor: Checks retention the next day. Include
words in flash word recognition list.
Adult literacy tutor training manual. (1996). Regina, Saskatchewan: Regina Public Library. Used with permission.
Handout 8.6