Analyzing Your Spelling

Some Common Types of Spelling Errors

Type of Error Example Tips
Right sound but wrong letters menshun – mention Keep lists of similarly spelled words
Look at them regularly
Didn’t apply a spelling rule comeing – coming (drop the e) Get to know which rules you need to learn or which you often forget
Missing letters
Extra letters
becase – because
everery – every
Highlight or mark the parts
Wrong word two much work – too Use memory hooks (mnemonics) to help and learn each word separately
Reversed letters Firday – Friday Look at the difficult parts of the word and sound them out or underline them
Spelled the way you speak
Somefing – something
Flim – film
Keep lists of your typical errors and know your weak spots

If you want to improve your spelling, your errors are a great resource for you.

Knowing and understanding why you make errors in spelling will help you to:

The spelling pack. (1993). London, England: Adult Literacy and Basic Skills Unit. Used with permission.