A Few Useful Spelling Rules

There are a number of rules and guidelines that learners may find useful when spelling. They are provided to you, as a tutor, for your reference.

The doubling rule: When adding an ending to a one-syllable word that ends in a consonant after one vowel, double the final consonant if the ending begins with a vowel. (sit/sitting, stop/stopping)

The i before e rule: Put i before e (pier, field), except after c (receipt, deceive), or when sounding like ay (neighbour, weigh).

The y to i rule: If a word ends in y preceded by a consonant, change the y to i when adding an ending (steady/steadiness) except when the ending is ing. In this case the y is retained (steady, steadying). If a word ends in a y preceded by a vowel, the y doesn’t change when adding an ending (buy/buyer, say/saying).

The final e rule: If a word ends in a silent e, drop the e before adding an ending that starts with a vowel (hope/hoped/hoping, dance/danced/dancing). Exceptions to this rule include words such as hoeing and courageous.

Forming plurals: When forming plurals, add an s (cat/cats, bill/bills). If the word ends with sh, ch, s, x or z, add es instead of s (glass/glasses, roach/roaches).

Nova Scotia tutor and instructor training and certification program. (n.d.). Halifax, Nova Scotia: Adult Education Division of the Nova Scotia Department of Education. Used with permission.

Handout 8.15