Profiles of Learners and Their Writing Samples
Learner Profile 1
- Female, late 20s, married, two children (one just starting school).
School experiences
- You dropped out of school in Grade 10 because you did not see the point of
- You went to work shortly after. You have a full-time job now.
- You attended night school (GED) for a while, but found the classes too hard. You
feel the pace was too fast.
- You want to move up to another position in your workplace. To do this, you need
Grade 12.
- You have to do more writing at work.
- You have transportation in the evenings.
- Your husband will take care of the children.
- You can read sections of the newspaper and most stories in magazines, but you
have to take your time.
- You like to read.
- You read at work every day.
- You have difficulty writing and feel your reading is much better than your writing.
- You want to improve your spelling.
- You have trouble getting your ideas down on paper. You feel that what you write
down does not always make sense.
- You write memos and accident reports at work. You sometimes write a response to
your child’s teacher who has written a note.
- You feel that your math skills are okay. You would like to work on your reading and
writing first and then work on your math skills later.
Nova Scotia tutor and instructor training and certification program: Facilitator’s guide. (n.d.). Halifax, Nova Scotia: Adult Education Division of
the Nova Scotia Department of Education. Used with permission.