Place the number 1, 2, or 3 on the line after each statement that best indicates your preference. (3 - Often; 2 - Sometimes; 1 - Seldom)
In order to get an indication of your learning preference, please add the numbers together for the following statements.
Visual Preference Score: 2 , 4
, 7
, 9
, 13
Auditory Preference Score: 1 , 6
, 10
, 12
, 15
K/T (Kinesthetic/Tactual) Score: 3 , 5
, 8
, 11
, 14
The highest score indicates that my learning preference is .
Now that I know which is my dominant learning style, I can learn better by:
Creative student assessment: A guide to developing meaningful evaluation. (1995). Winnipeg, Manitoba: Manitoba Advanced Education
and Training, Adult Learning and Literacy.
Used with permission.
Handout 3.2