Learner Profile 2
School experiences
- You dropped out of school in Grade 8 because you were frustrated with the work.
- You were not in any special education classes in school. You did, however, get extra
help in grades 7 and 8.
- You got a job shortly after leaving school. You have a part-time job now.
- You went to an upgrading program for youth, but did not like it. You felt you were
not learning anything.
- You would like to take a mechanics course, but you need Grade 10.
- You would like to get your Grade 12 someday.
- You have a car, but can only come when you are not working.
- You work flexible hours.
- You take great care of your body and work out at a gym regularly. You follow
boxing and wrestling events closely.
- You can read some articles in the newspaper.
- You can read the TV Guide.
- You like to read.
- You have trouble with certain words, but you skip over them and try to understand
parts of what you read.
- You feel that you write well.
- You do not really like to write, but would like to improve your writing.
- You avoid writing when possible.
- You feel that you are pretty good with numbers.
- You can add, subtract, multiply, and divide.
- You can estimate percentage discounts and you understand how fractions work.
- You like mathematics.
Nova Scotia tutor and instructor training and certification program: Facilitator’s guide. (n.d.). Halifax, Nova Scotia: Adult Education Division of
the Nova Scotia Department of Education. Used with permission.