Learning Styles Characteristics and Tutoring Tips
Auditory Learners
- Enjoy talking
- Like to discuss things
- Prefer oral reading
- Like phonics
- Find sounds distracting
- Move lips when reading
- Like to make noise
- Easily distracted
Learning strengths
- Remember what they hear and say
- Can recall information after hearing it a few times
- Can remember oral instructions well
- Understand information best when they HEAR it
Tutoring tips
- Use tapes for reading
- Record spelling words on tape
- Give oral explanations and details
- Discuss concepts and ideas
- Use show and tell
- Use verbal games
- Do oral presentations and demonstrations
- Encourage learner to read out loud, spell out loud
- Teach phonics
- Do paired or duet reading
- Discuss the story/article before reading
- Use Reader’s Theatre, choral reading, poems, music
- Use chanting or rhyming to remember things
- Repeat key points
- Indicate relationships verbally with words such as therefore, in contrast,
at the same time, and so on.