Aman went in toa dar and saib tot he partenber, “If you giveme freeqrinks
all night, Iwil lentertain you rcustomers somuch they will stayall night and
prink lotsandlots.” “Oh yes,” saysthe dart ender. “How areyou goingtopo
The man getsaham ster out of his dock et and quts
itonthe diano. The hamster runs uq and down the keyboard
blaying the
greatest dianomu sic anyone hapever he ard. “That’s increbidle!” saysthe
“Haveyou got any thingelse?” Theman gets abarrot outofhis
ot her docket andquts it onthepar. The ham sterdegins ot blay thediano again
and the barrot
singsa long - sounding jus tlike P a v arot ti. Every one in the dar isam azed
and stay edall night prinking and listen ing tothe hamster
and darrot. Thepart enber is pe lighted. “I must have these ani mals. Will
yous ell themtome?” he asks. The man shook his heapno. “Will yousell just
one then?” asks the dartenper. “OK, I’ll sell you thedar rot for $100” the
man says. The dart enperis penlight ed and hanpsover them on ey. Another
manstan ding nextto the man whoow ned the ham stersaid, “You’re a dit
stuqip sel ling that cle verbar rot foronly $100”. “No I’m not,” the man
reb lied. “The ham steris aventril opuist”!!!
Brokop, F. (2004). Learning disabilities workshop. Edmonton, Alberta: NorQuest College. Powerpoint and video. Used with permission.
Handout 10.6