When practising
- Use supportive practice. Provide a series of
prompts and/or questions to help guide the
learner through the strategy.
- Ask frequent questions. Maintain
communication with the learner as he
practises the strategy. Ask questions
to ensure he is focused on the task and
understands the steps in the strategy.
- Break down tasks into little chunks.
- Provide scaffolding. Do some of the work
for a learner who cannot do all of the task
by himself so that the learner can focus on
parts of the task. Later, remove the support
so he can do the entire task independently.
- Use checklists and memory devices to
remember steps.
- Don’t use more than approximately seven
steps in a technique.
- Adapt the pace of the lesson to the difficulty
of the task for that learner. Provide breaks
based on the learner’s needs.
- Provide lots of opportunity for practice.
Learners with learning disabilities require
plenty of opportunities to practise retaining
new skills and/or information.
- Provide corrective feedback immediately in
a straightforward manner.
- Make sure that the learner understands all
essential information before moving on.
Adapted from Fowler, J. A. (2003). Learning disabilities training: A new approach. London, Ontario: Literacy Link South Central.
Used with permission.
Handout 10.8