Proverb Pairs 1

Think of going out

before you enter. (Arabian)

Learning is a treasure that will follow

its owner everywhere. (Chinese)

He who does not know one thing,

knows another. (Kenyan)

As we live,

so we learn. (Yiddish)

Experience is not always the kindest of teachers,

but it is surely the best. (Spanish)

If you can’t get through,

walk around. (Finnish)

Do not blame God for having created the tiger,

but thank him for not having given it wings. (Indian)

A hippo does not have a sting in its tail,

but a wise man would still rather be sat on by a bee. (Polish)

You can outdistance that which is running after you,

but not that which is running inside you. (Rwandan)

When the mouse laughs at the cat,

there is a hole nearby. (Nigerian)

Dumplings are better

than cherry blossoms. (Japanese)

A sparrow in the hand is

better than a dove on the roof. (German)

A cow that is dragged to Beijing

is still a cow. (Taiwanese)

Whoever runs

can get a dinner. (Kimbundo, Angola)

There is no discrimination

in the forest of the dead. (Annang, African)

There is no prison

like a guilty conscience. (Welsh)

Source unknown.

Handout 11.1