Coping with Culture Shock
- Your learners may tired. Coping with a stressful
situation such as talking in a new language all day
long is exhausting. Build extra breaks into your
sessions and don’t take the yawns personally.
- Your learners may be more prone to colds, influenza
and intestinal problems. Realize that they may be
cancelling sessions due to illness. Prepare them with
the telephone language that they will need to tell
you that they are ill. Prepare them for trips to the
doctor. They will need to be able to describe their
problems, understand directions and questions, read
instructions and fill out forms.
- Your learners may be depressed. Be, for them, that
friendly face in a stressful week. Be encouraging and
sympathetic. Tell the learners about support agencies
that might help with problems. Make sure that they
have the vocabulary to describe their feelings.
- Your learners may come to a point when they are so
depressed that they feel they haven’t done very well
in learning English. Make sure you have language
samples from when they first started. This could
include a speech recording or review, a listening
comprehension exercise, a piece they could read
with comments and a sample of their writing.
Compare these samples with what they are currently
able to do.
- Be culturally aware. Talk with your learners, if
possible, about cultural differences between their
previous culture and the Canadian culture. If they
can’t describe the differences, ask other members
of that immigrant group or do research in the
library or on the Internet. Also talk about cultural
- Once you know more about the learners’ cultural
backgrounds, you will be able to see possible
trouble spots that may come up in the tutor/learner
relationship, in educational values and in general
life. This will help you know what to explain and
how to explain the new culture to your learners
when they need clarification.
- You may want to modify your behaviour when
working with new immigrants to make their
transition easier. For example, omit gestures that
they would find offensive. Eventually, however, they
will have to get accustomed to Canadian norms.
- You may be looked on as a cultural norm for all
Canadians. Be sure to explain about variations in
customs in Canada.
- Let the learners know you are interested in learning
about their culture and that you want to understand
what it is like to adjust to the new culture. This is
one way of having a Canadian validate their culture
and it makes the learning a two-way street. Share
your cultures in a variety of ways. For example, look
at photo albums, share food dishes, try traditional
games, learn children’s rhymes, and so on.
- Our seasons and weather have influenced the
Canadian culture. For example, we always talk about
the weather. That isn’t a small-talk topic in many
countries. If your learners aren’t used to such a
variation in seasons or temperature, you can help by
including weather-related themes in your lessons. A
winter clothing theme could include what clothing
to buy for cold weather, what the clothing items are
called, a discussion of the merits of down versus
synthetic fill and a trip to the clothing store.
Outside of the classroom
- Help your learners become more comfortable in the
new community. Take them on field trips and equip
them with the language appropriate to the purpose
of the trip. For example, if they are interested in
swimming, go to the pool but prepare by learning
pool terms and questions to ask. Follow up, for
example, by reading the pool schedule that the
learners picked up during the trip and figure out
when the learners could go swimming.
- Encourage them to practise English outside of class
so they can be more independent. Make sure your
lessons connect to what they could use in daily life.
- Encourage them to make Canadian friends. In your
sessions, cover small talk and other conversation
topics that can help this happen.
In general
- Be patient.
- Respect the learners and their values and beliefs.
Handout 11.5