If your student has basic language needs and you do not speak her first language, your task of learning about her life will be more challenging. In this case, it might be best to use a mapping technique which usually provides lots of information and some comic relief.
Mapping works like this. During you session, draw a simple map of the places you visit on a daily or weekly basis. As you draw, (or when the map is complete) explain where you go, what you do there and, most importantly, which of the four language skills (speaking, listening, reading, writing) you use at each of the stops.
Next, ask your student (or gesture appropriately) to draw a map and explain as you did. Ask her to circle all the places where she was required to speak English. Create a needs grid based on this information as in the following handout.
Conway, S. (1996). The English as a Second Language tutor’s handbook. Toronto, Ontario: Frontier College Press. ISBN 0-921031-17-3. http://literacy.sa.utoronto.ca/resources/esltutorhandbook.html. Used with permission.
Handout 11.7