Tutoring Communication Tips
Being clear
- Slow down your speech. Speak at a normal unhurried rate, but leave short pauses between
sentences or clauses. This allows time for the learner to process the language.
- Make sure the learner can hear you and all the sounds clearly.
- Teach instructional language, that is, those phrases that give instructions to the learner so that learning activities can move along smoothly. For example, teach what “repeat” means
so that it is easy to work on pronunciation by having learners repeat words or phrases when you use the instructional word “repeat.”
- Use idioms (expressions) sparingly and always explain any new ones that you use.
- Limit talking about abstract concepts at first.
- Try to use an active voice. Billy rode the bike. Not – The bike was ridden by Billy.
- Use positive sentences at first. Take the stairs. Not – Don’t use the elevator.
- Keep sentences short at first.
- Use simple tenses at first. Jenny was sick. Not – Jenny had been sick but now she is better.
- Limit the number of new words introduced in each lesson.
Reinforcing the verbal message
- Direct the learner’s attention to the important words or phrases by saying them a little
louder, repeating them, writing them down or underlining, circling or highlighting them.
- Use visual clues, gestures and real objects.
- Use role-plays.
- Give examples.
- Use themes so the language is in context.
Working on comprehension
- When you don’t understand, you can say, “I hear you saying
. Can you tell me
again with a different word?” The learner needs to know what she sounds like to a native
speaker so she knows what changes to make to be more understandable.
- When your learner doesn’t understand, try repeating but use slightly different words. It
could be that the learner doesn’t understand a content word. Also try some of the other tips
listed here.
- Check for understanding. Don’t ask “Do you understand?” as many learners will say “yes” just to please the tutor. Ask questions that require the learner to give an answer that
shows some understanding of the topic. For those learners who can understand but do not
speak English, you can ask them to point to pictures or make a movement to show their
understanding. (For example, ask the learner to show you her leg or to show you what we use
for walking.)
Smile and relax.
Handout 11.11