As you think about how to address each of the four language skills, you should also keep in mind that every time people use language, they do so for a particular purpose or function.
greeting | parting | inviting | accepting |
making excuses | requesting | interrupting | complaining |
arguing | complimenting | congratulating | flattering |
seducing | evading | lying | shifting blame |
changing the subject | criticizing | reprimanding | ridiculing |
insulting | warning | accusing | denying |
reporting | evaluating | commenting | asserting |
sympathizing | commanding | ordering | advising |
questioning | probing | teaching | passing the time |
Each of these functions has specific language associated with it. To communicate successfully, people need to learn the appropriate language to carry out each function. For example, you might teach some of the following phrases if you want to teach about “inviting.”
Would you like to ?
How would you like to ?
How about ?
I’d be pleased if you would .
Teaching adults: An ESL resource. (1996). Syracuse, New York: New Reader’s Press, a division of ProLiteracy Worldwide. ISBN 1-564201-30-9.
Handout 12.2