- Practise telephone conversations by turning your chairs so you are back to back and can’t see
each other. Also, arrange to phone your learner and have her phone you for further practice.
- You can turn off the visual part of a video to practise listening to the words and tone. Then
turn off the audio part of a video to practise looking for non-verbal clues.
Listening and writing
- Fill in blanks on a script of an audiotape, video, music CD or something that you read out
- Use dictation to find out the difference between what is said and what the learner perceives is
being said.
Listening and action
- Practise identifying sounds by using minimal pairs (two words that sound the same except for
one sound, such as pat and bat). The learner has to point to the correct written word after he
figures out which word she heard.
- Cut apart sentences from the transcript of a spoken message. Ask the learner to put the
sentences in order.
- Play picture, word or number bingo.
- Listen to directions and follow the instructions for something like a craft, a recipe, using a
tool, following on a map to an unknown destination, and so on.
- Total Physical Response – Learners gain new vocabulary by listening to and carrying out
spoken commands such as “stand up” or “open the window.” At first, the tutor models the
responses to the commands.
Remember! Keep samples of listening work and add them to a portfolio.
Handout 12.3