Pictures and Picture Files

Use real objects whenever possible; if you can’t get real objects, use pictures. It is sometimes impractical to bring real-life situations into your teaching sessions, but you can always bring in pictures. For introducing new words even in a simple substitution drill, pictures can reveal a meaning immediately and help make it memorable.

Pictures from catalogues, magazines, newspapers, calendars, advertisements, maps, photographs or postcards can be useful for teaching English. It is wise to collect these illustrations before their need arises. A doctor’s office, a beauty salon or a barber shop may be good places to pick up free issues of magazines with useful pictures. Ask for old issues at your library.

File your pictures by topic for ready reference. Mounting pictures on heavy paper or cardboard keeps them from getting ruined. Pictures generally fall into two categories:

As you start to collect pictures, you might find the following suggestions helpful:

Add any other categories you find might be helpful on the back of the pictures, identify them and write questions or suggestions for using them.

Colvin, R. J. (1997). I speak English (4th ed.). Syracuse, New York: New Readers Press, a division of ProLiteracy Worldwide. ISBN 0-930713-90-7. Used with permission.

Handout 12.11