VOCABULARY CHECK: drought, tough, even, wells (may need to use picture for this to differentiate from the other meaning of well), bans, zone, going under
SPELLING/READING: Contrast sounds of gh in drought and tough.
INFORMALITY: Contrast “I gotta go” or “gotta go” with “I have to go now.”
TENSES: Look at the switch between present to past to present tense in the conversation.
GRAMMAR: Take apart sentence “Remember the watering bans in town last year?” Point out the placement of time at the end of the sentence. Also, point out that the beginning of the sentence is really “Do you...”
DISCUSSION: Talk about other examples besides dry wells that show the impact of droughts. Talk about farming in the area.
Beginner: Fill in the blanks with various examples for “The is pretty
Intermediate: Use a few examples of “even” in context and get the students to
use it as well. Or use the phrase “it was like” in context.
Emphasize “five,” “too long” and “me too.” Make sure the questions’ intonations
are lifted at the end.
Lloyd, D., & Weir, L. (1999). Town and country conversations: Dialogues for tutoring adult English as a Second Language students. Lac La Biche, Alberta: Program for Adult Learning. Used with permission.
Handout 12.13