Correcting Spoken Language
- At all stages in speaking practice you need to give the learner feedback about how
well he has achieved the task and how it could be improved. Be encouraging and do
not expect perfection.
- It is important to distinguish mistakes, where the learner really knows what is
correct, and errors, where the learner does not know the correct form. In the
first case, a quick reminder may be sufficient. It is also a good idea to point out a
mistake and see if the learner can correct it himself. This encourages language
awareness. If the learner makes an error, then you may correct it, but should also
record it as a language need to be dealt with in the learning program.
- How much you correct depends a lot on the nature of the task. If the learner is
repeating and practising new language, you need to give immediate feedback and
correct for accuracy. Controlled practice such as a drill or a dialogue also focuses
on accuracy. However, if a learner has difficulty, you have to decide at what point
further correction is counter-productive and leave it to another time.
- If, on the other hand, the purpose of the activity is to develop fluency and to
practise communication skills, then accuracy is less important than the successful
outcome of the task. First give feedback on how well the activity has been carried
out before dealing with grammatical errors or pronunciation difficulties.
- It is important not to interrupt the learner’s flow or train of thought. Wait till
at least the end of the sentence in controlled practice or the completion of the task
in communicative activities. You can make a note of problems and decide what
needs dealing with immediately and what can be incorporated into the program in
future lessons.
- Focus on errors that make a difference in meaning at first.
Jordan, J. (1998). English as an additional language for adults (3rd ed.). London, England: The Basic Skills Agency. ISBN 1-85990-0828.
Used with permission.
Handout 12.17