Reading, Writing, Spelling and the ESL Learner
Reading and the ESL Learner
- Does your learner know the meaning of the words in the reading material? Always go
over new vocabulary with beginner learners.
- Always check that your learners actually understand what they have read. Some
learners are very good at breaking the code and can read out loud well but have very
little idea what they have just read. Ask comprehension questions that they can answer
within their speaking ability.
- Some learners will have to change their eye movements in order to read English. For
example, Arabic readers read from the left to the right and from the “back” of the book
to the “front.” They may have trouble with eyestrain at first and losing their place.
Highlighting the page so that they know where to start can help in this transition.
- Some learners will find the reading requirements for daily life and their job to be
overwhelming as they learn English. Helping them to identify what is important to
read (for example, highlighted items) can cut down on the task.
- Some written information may appear in a different format from what they are
accustomed to. Help them to figure out how to read the information as necessary.
- If the learner knows a first language that uses the same letters as English, be aware that
the letter may not have the same sound in English as in their first language.
- Other alphabetic written languages are more phonetically regular than English.
Learners from these language backgrounds will find the irregularities annoying.
- Differences in word order between the first language and English can make
deciphering a sentence a real chore at first.
- Learners from different parts of the globe may also need to learn a bit about a topic
to provide context so they can make sense of what they are reading. For example, an
article on the Metis may be difficult to understand if the learner has never heard of
- Some learners will be much better readers of English than speakers. They can use this
ability to build their vocabulary.
Brokop, F. (n.d.). Spelling and the ESL learner. Edmonton, Alberta: NorQuest College. Workshop handout. Used with permission.