Aboriginal Learning Styles
- tends to understand best when overall concept is presented first
- learns best when overview or introduction is emphasized
- needs meaningful context
- sees relationships easily
- benefits from whole language approach
- learns best from images, both concrete and abstract (symbols,
diagrams, similes, metaphors)
- codes information using images
- has difficulty verbalizing own images but can make them and use
them for learning
- learns best with support from materials that can be seen
(photographs), touched and heard
- “hands-on” approach is effective
- needs example
Watch – Then Do (also Think – Then Do or Listen – Then Do)
- reflective
- needs time to think answer through
Creative student assessment: A guide to developing meaningful evaluation. (1995). Winnipeg, Manitoba: Manitoba Advanced Education and
Training, Adult Learning and Literacy. www.edu.gov.mb.ca/ael/all/publications/creative_student_assessment_oct03.pdf. Used with permission.
Handout 3.13