Sample Questionnaire D
Acquired skills
A discussion about work experience and literacy tasks that the learner is currently
performing will provide information about skills and strategies that the learner can build
on. It will also help the learner recognize his strengths and competencies.
- Do you have a job now?
- If so, what kind of work do you do?
- If not, what kind of jobs have you had?
- Do you need to use reading and writing at work?
- What reading and writing do you do at work?
- How are you coping with these tasks?
- Do you do any reading on your own now?
- What kinds of things do you read at home, in stores, on the street (for example,
TV schedule, mail, newspapers, stories to children, labels, street signs)?
- Do you do any writing on your own?
- What kinds of things do you write (for example, shopping lists, cheques, notes,
- How do you feel about your spelling?
- How would improved reading, writing and spelling skills help you at home and at
Creative student assessment: A guide to developing meaningful evaluation. (1995). Winnipeg, Manitoba: Manitoba Advanced Education and
Training, Adult Learning and Literacy. Used with permission.
Handout 4.2