Components of a Portfolio

Writing Self-evaluation

Thinking about yourself as a writer


  1. What kinds of writing have you done in the past?
  2. In general, how do you feel about what you write?
  3. What kinds of things do you like to write most? Why?
  4. What do you think one has to do to be a good writer?
  5. What are the three most important things you are able to do as a writer?
  6. What are three things you wish you could do better as a writer?
  7. In what areas of writing have you noticed improvement?
  8. What has helped you the most with your writing?
  9. What is the best piece of writing you’ve ever done? What makes it so good?
  10. What were your writing goals at the beginning of the term? How well do you feel you accomplished these goals? What new writing goals have you made?

Creative student assessment: A guide to developing meaningful evaluation. (1995). Winnipeg, Manitoba: Manitoba Advanced Education and Training, Adult Learning and Literacy. Used with permission.

Handout 4.20