Components of a Portfolio
Writing Self-evaluation
Thinking about yourself as a writer
- What kinds of writing have you done in the past?
- In general, how do you feel about what you write?
- What kinds of things do you like to write most? Why?
- What do you think one has to do to be a good writer?
- What are the three most important things you are able to do as a writer?
- What are three things you wish you could do better as a writer?
- In what areas of writing have you noticed improvement?
- What has helped you the most with your writing?
- What is the best piece of writing you’ve ever done? What makes it so good?
- What were your writing goals at the beginning of the term? How well do you feel you accomplished these goals? What new writing goals have you made?
Creative student assessment: A guide to developing meaningful evaluation. (1995). Winnipeg, Manitoba: Manitoba Advanced Education and
Training, Adult Learning and Literacy. Used with permission.
Handout 4.20