Keep Literacy In Your Life
- Your brain is a muscle that needs exercise. Use it or lose it! Read something every day.
- Reading can happen anywhere — at the bus stop, hockey game, and doctor’s office— even the bathroom!
- Let your child help you cook and have him or her read out the ingredients from the recipe.
Doubling the recipe builds great math skills.
- Support your local library by becoming a member. Take one book out at least once a
month. Libraries are a great place to spend a rainy day!
- Literacy is a gift that doesn’t come easily to many people. Share your gift by volunteering
at a local literacy program.
- Here’s a game to play in the car for younger children: write out the alphabet on a piece of
paper. Ask your children to watch the letters on the licence plates of passing cars. The
first child to cross off all the letters is the winner.
- Keep in touch with family and friends by sending birthday greetings, anniversary cards,
notes and e-mails. Remember to use correct grammar and punctuation to keep your
language skills strong.
- Start a family photo album with your child. Below each picture, help your child write a
story describing it. Future generations will thank you for it!
Reading opens the door to a world of fairy tales, fantasy, adventure,
drama, suspense, knowledge and wonder
Literacy is the key to unlocking it!
For more information, contact:
Literacy Alberta
302, 1300 - 8 St. SW
Calgary AB T2R 1B2
Phone: 403-410-6990
Fax: 403-410-9024
Toll Free Literacy Help Line: 1-800-767-3231
Keep literacy in your life. (n.d.). Calgary, Alberta: Literacy Alberta.
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