The Shower

The first time my mother told me she was hosting a shower, I thought all the ladies were going to have a shower together! I couldn’t figure out how they would all fit in the bathroom. When I was a little older, I used to help my host showers. I always wore a party dress. But first, I would help her decorate the room. We used lots of paper storks and red and green crepe paper. We used to fix up the laundry basket for people to put their gifts in. We made it look like a baby cradle. At the party, I would pick out the gifts and hand them to the guest. Then the ladies used to games. I used to pass around the paper and for word games. One time they had races such as fastening and unfastening safety pins, or snapping babies’ clothing. The team I was on . After the games, I helped to serve the sandwiches and cookies. The lady from across the street used to bring that were shaped like balls and rolled in pink or blue sugar. There was always great food. Nobody seemed to worry about calories in those .

  1. What color was the crepe paper?
  2. What did the author wear?
  3. Is the author male or female?
  4. What kind of shower is the author describing?
  5. Did you ever go to showers as a child? Were they like this shower?
  6. Do you think people should be concerned about calories?

Norton, M. (1988). Journeyworkers: Approaches to literacy education with adults – Tutor’s handbook. Calgary, Alberta: ACCESS– The Education Station. ISBN 0-921071-38-8. Used with permission.

Handout 6.1