Creating Cloze Text
Cloze is a strategy to help readers learn to predict unfamiliar words by using
language clues and reading for meaning.
In a cloze exercise, predictable words are blanked out for the reader to fill in using
language and meaning clues. The tutors let the learners know that making guesses
is something that good readers do to determine unfamiliar words. The cloze
exercise will help them practise making guesses using words that they know.
The procedure
- Photocopy a short passage at the learner’s instructional reading level. Leave the
first sentence complete but delete predictable words in the rest of the passage.
- Explain the purpose of the activity to your learner. Ask the learner to fill in the
blanks with words that make sense and sound right.
- Model one of the blanks for the learner if needed.
- Have your learner read through the passage filling in the blanks.
- Accept all choices that make sense. If your learner uses a word that doesn’t
make sense, ask her to read the sentence over and ask if her word choice makes
sense. Help your learner to choose a better word.
Extended ideas for using cloze
- For beginners, leave the first letter and delete the rest of the word you are
working on, so that the learners can predict words using the first letter as a clue.
- Try deleting all nouns or verbs or other parts of speech. This would work well
for ESL learners who are learning prepositions.
Handout 6.5