Information Reading Technique (IRT)

Adult readers need to read a variety of text. It can be very important to help our learners deal with the difficulty and frustration of this variety. Newspapers, notices from employers, union newsletters, brochures about benefits, repair manuals, and so on require different sets of skills to read.

This method will help learners to read for information from all kinds of text.

  1. Select an article, brochure or book containing the information your learner needs to have.
  2. Begin to read the material to him, one or two paragraphs at a time.
  3. Discuss the material after each paragraph or two. Ask the learner questions to check his understanding. (Try to avoid questions the learner can reply to with only a “yes” or a “no.” Ask him instead to repeat in his own words, or explain, or give an example, or to summarize what you have said. In this way you will know he understands rather than just agrees with you.)
  4. Clarify with the learner any misunderstandings he may have about the content.
  5. Write out the important information the learner has learned in his own words.
  6. Have the learner read his responses. Note any words that cause difficulty for review or for further study.

Red Deer Adult Literacy Program tutor handbook. (n.d.). Red Deer, Alberta: Red Deer Public Library. Used with permission.

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