You need to take a bus from Polo Park to Unicity.

Read this bus schedule:

Portage Express 21
E Portage and Spence
T Polo Park
G Grace Hospital
W Rouge and Assiniboine
C Lumsden & Buchanan
U Unicity
S St. Charles

6:16 6:23 6:35 6:45 6:48 6:53 7:00
6:32 6:40 6:54 7:04 7:07 7:12 7:19
6:48 6:56 7:10 7:20 7:23 7:28 7:35
7:00 7:08 7:23 7:33 7:36 7:41 7:46
7:10 7:18 7:33 7:44 7:47 7:52 7:59
7:22 7:28 7:43 7:53 7:56 8:01 8:09
  1. What is the letter symbol for the Polo Park bus stop?
  2. What is the letter symbol for the Unicity bus stop?
  3. If you catch the 6:23 bus at Polo Park, at what time will you get to Unicity?
  4. If you catch the 6:56 bus at Polo Park, at what time will you get to Unicity?
  5. Your friend is meeting you at Unicity at 7:45.
    What time must you catch the bus at Polo Park?
  6. It takes you 5 minutes to walk from home to Polo Park.
    What time must you leave home to catch 7:08 bus?