Look at the fingers and keyboard chart.
Find the fingers to use for g and h.
Put your fingers on the home row.
Now reach for g and h.
Look at your book, not the keyboard.
Type this.
ggg hhh gfgf hjhj jhj fgf fghj
ffgg jjhh fgfg jhjh fghj fghj
lal fkf jsj gag dld hsh lgl shs
fl k;gldk hgk; jdd hhhkjd ljdfs
;ddds ;sj;d jj hsh lshg fjgh hhgg
sad fad lad had dad fall hall sad
all ask hall dad sad fall had all
Now look at the screen and check your work.
Known Keys: a s d f j k l ;
New Keys: g h
Need more practice
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