Lesson 13: c and ,

Look at the fingers and keyboard chart.
Find the fingers to use for c and ,.

Put your fingers on the home row.
Now reach for c and ,.

Look at your book, not the keyboard.

Type this:

fbf jnj fbf jnj fbf jnj fbf jnj fbf jnj
no to go so do go to so do to no lo lo
work kept swept belt work yolk work
dcd dcd dcd ccc ddd dcd cdc cdc dcd dcd
k,k k,k k,k ,,, kkk k,k ,k, ,k, k,k k,k
cat cup can car cod cut cow cat car cup
crow card cage call come cape card call
two, tap, gap, wet, back, cake, fin, big,
quick, log, fast, girl, soap, legs, come,

Now look at the screen and check your work.

Known Keys: a s d f j k l ; g h r u t y e i w o p q v m b n
New Keys: c ,

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