The Muskrat's Adventure

By: Katherine McGhee

Once upon a time there were three muskrats. Their names were Terrence, Fred and Pete. They lived in a hollow tree stump.

One day they decided to go on an adventure, to see what they could find in the hills behind home. They walked and walked. Finally they stopped for a short rest.

They stopped near a small trout stream behind the largest hill. After a while they got hungry. They jumped into the stream and caught a trout. After the muskrats had eaten the raw trout, they went on their way to the next big, rocky hill.

There they saw a very big hill with a hole in it. They went inside the hole. The muskrats were surprised everything was so big.

While the others were exploring, Terrence saw something coming. It was late to hide. He froze, all he could do was watch as a dragon appeared out of the darkness.

This big, scaly dragon had already spotted them. The dragon demanded, "what are you doing here?"

The muskrats said, "We were just exploring the hills." The muskrats were scared.

Just then the friendly dragon smiled. His big eyes sparkled and his large teeth and huge body no longer seemed so big. The dragon said, "It is okay! But you must be very careful in these hills."

One of the muskrats spoke up. Terrence said, "We were going on an adventure, to see the hills, but we wandered too far."

The dragon said in a friendly way. "I don't want you muskrats here because these hills could be dangerous. The passes are very steep. You muskrats could get hurt. You had better go now." Then the dragon went back into the darkness.

The muskrats went on their way back to where they lived. The muskrats never went back to the hills and they never saw the dragon again.

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