Being - Activity 2
French Manicure
A relaxing activity that allows you to care for yourself or someone else:
The Original French Manicure:

This is the original French manicure, not the new fangled one that uses white polish to make the nail brighter. This one uses real lemons. Lemon juice is acidic. When your nails are soaked in the lemon juice two things happen; the protein is strengthened and the nail is whitened. This activity is good to do, even if your nails are bitten to the quick and your cuticles are chewed raw. The juice will help to toughen the cuticles, promote healing and get you on your way to strong healthy nails and good looking hands.
- Nail polish remover
- Cotton balls
- Bowl of warm soapy water
- Towels
- Lemons
- Nail files, clippers, cuticle sticks
- Clear nail polish
- Hand cream
- Remove all traces of old nail polish from your nails.
- Wash hands and nails in warm soapy water to remove residue from polish remover.
- Cut lemons in half.
- Stick fingers into the lemons covering the entire fingernail. If you have bitten fingers or cuticles, this step will sting a bit, but the stinging won’t last for long.
- Keep fingers in lemons for five minutes, working the juice into and under your nails.
- Wash nails in warm soapy water.
- Dry hands and begin the shaping part of the manicure: clean nails, shape with emery boards, push back cuticles.
- Cover nails with one single coat of clear polish.
- Rub hand cream onto hands and down along cuticles.
- Stand back and admire your lovely result.