
The chaos and danger of street life make it very difficult for women to attend
to their healing needs. As instructors and participants, it took us a while to
figure out that women came to the Learning Centre to create a healing space
for themselves. We started to see that no matter how destructive some
elements of women’s lives were, the urge to heal was also a powerful force
alive in every woman.

We all know at some level that self-esteem is the key than unlocks our
potential. But self-worth is very hard to hold on to when society has turned
its back on sex-trade workers and street women.

Women described how the pattern of abuse was set in childhood for many of them by residential schoolteachers, priest, parents, family and community members. They learned to shut down and go numb, and this leads to alcohol and drug abuse. Eventually, lots of women start to work the street and this routine becomes a way of life.

Many women have lost children to care or given up a child to the care of a relative. These mothers have immense feelings of grief and loss and yearn for the company of their children.

None of us are trained counselors but we all understand that reflection can be a healing activity. At the same time, it is difficult to know how to support women through the trauma of their lives. In response to women’s feedback and using our own instincts, we have tried to make the WISH Learning Centre a non-judgmental place where women can be encouraged and validated in their personal healing journeys. We came up with four ways to think about healing and learning: areas of literacy activity that create healing opportunities.

We have included several literacy activities that create healing opportunities. As usual, women are totally in control of their participation. Some women may take the handouts with them and do them later; others will want the support of the group.

“If I don’t like myself, how can I expect anyone else to?

“I didn’t grow up thinking I was going to be a hooker.”

“You have to have self-esteem before you can lose it.”

A decorative heart