Healing - Activity 5
Handout 1
Set Your Sights High
This activity is designed to tap in to our creative centres and make some fun and interesting plans for us this year.
Take the picture of the kite and fill in each section with your answers to the four questions below. Feel free to use any of the decorative paper to design a beautiful kite to carry your ideas for this year. (You can also write your ideas beside the kite, if you don’t want to write on your design.)
- A Strong Feeling
what do you want this learning centre to feel like this year? Hopeful, challenging, friendly, restful…
what wild and crazy suggestion do you have for yourself or this group for this year? No limits!
- My Contribution
what could you contribute to the learning group this year? Friendship, ideas, leadership, teaching
an activity, finding stuff, helping clean up, etc
- A New Activity for the Learning Centre
what would you like to see us try this year?