Candle Holders

This is a popular activity in the WISH Learning Centre. It takes little set-up, the materials are inexpensive and the results are stunning. The completed candle holders make wonderful presents and are beautiful additions to women’s rooms. Furthermore, because the candle is located deep inside a jar, they are extremely safe. The activity can take as much time as women have for it can be done in several stages.


Tear the tissue paper into small pieces. The size and shape of the pieces will depend upon the effect you want. Dip your brush into the podgy and cover a small section of the jar. Put the tissue paper on the podgied part of the jar and paint over the tissue paper with a layer of podgy. When the tissue paper is covered with podgy it becomes transparent. Because it’s transparent, you can layer the colours of the tissue to get a lovely effect. The podgy dries clear so don’t worry that it looks a bit of a mess right now.

Put it in a place where it can completely dry. When dry put a candle into the jar and light it. It produces a warm, rich effect.

This activity takes a bit longer do to than other painting activities, but it is an easy activity. The time it takes to it, gives women a chance to relax and talk during the process. If there is a topic or something you need to talk about with women, this is a good activity to accompany the discussion.

Two candlesticks