This activity is a tool to use in the process of finding out who we are and what motivates us. The Be-Do-Have concept comes from one of the Power Processes found in Becoming a Master Student, by David Ellis, published by Houghton Mifflin.
We are all human beings, however many of us are not focused on the “be-ing” part of it: we are focused on “having”. Getting the stuff we need to make us feel good; could be food, clothes, shelter, drugs, cars, status, or a holiday. Sometimes we are so focused on having things that we end up “doing” things just to reach that objective, like taking a job we hate. And what we end up “do-ing” starts to determine who we are, and that affects how we are “be-ing”. So the energy flow goes like this
To get back on track we need to focus on who we are, and what our core values are. That determines the BE part; what our be-ing consists of. From that step we can more comfortably determine what we will DO that will be in keeping with our core values, who we are and what makes sense to us. Then, from that step we know what we want and what we will HAVE. The energy flows so much easier in the BE DO
HAVE model, than it does from the HAVE
BE one. That one is like paddling upstream as we move from what we want to who we are.
Mind mapping is useful because it uses both sides of your brain. When people think about something, they mostly use the left side of their brain, the analytical, reasonable, logical side. Mind mapping invites the right side of the brain to also participate in the activity. The right side is the creative, melodic, artistic, non-verbal side of your brain. When you mind-map, you use words, signals, and pictures to represent your idea.