Handout 1 - Page 2

Buzzard placed the Sun on top of his head, where his feathers were the thickest, for the Sun was still very hot, even inside Grandmother Spider’s bag. He began to fly, up and up toward the top of the sky. As he flew the Sun grew hotter. Up and up he went, higher and higher, and the Sun grew hotter and hotter still. Now the Sun was burning through Grandmother Spider’s bag, but the Buzzard still kept flying up toward the top of the sky. Up and up he went and the Sun grew hotter. Now it was burning away the feathers on top of his head, but he continued on. Now all of his feathers were gone, but he flew higher. Now it was turning the bare skin of his head all red, but he continued to fly. He flew until he reached the top of the sky, and there he placed the Sun where it would give light to everyone.

Because he carried the Sun up to the top of the sky, Buzzard was honored by all the birds and animals. Though his head is naked and ugly because he was burned carrying the Sun, he is still the highest flyer of all, and he can be seen circling the Sun to this day. And because Grandmother Spider brought the Sun in her bag of webbing, at times the Sun makes rays across the sky which are shaped like the rays in Grandmother Spider’s web. It reminds everyone that we are all connected, like the strands of Grandmother Spider’s web, and it reminds everyone of what Grandmother Spider did for all the animals and the people.

WISH Participants’ Response

“I find this intriguing. Yes, I’d like this Exercise because I like visual learning.”

“Reading legends about other tribes is interesting. I would love to listen and tell legends. If we don’t they will die out and we don’t want that.”

“I like the spider one a lot.”

“They had to learn to share the sunlight with others. This is what Grandmother Spider would have wanted.”

“Visually stimulating. Then, it’s a legend and sounds for very interesting for reading.”

“Not especially interesting for me as an activity. I like the picture. I don’t like science that much.”

Additional discussion