Leading -Example 4 -Solidarity Project -Project Materials

In 2004, WISH undertook a project to work with women around issues of violence and safety. They formed the Solidarity Group and defined violence in many ways: street violence, economic violence, discrimination against sex-trade workers and violence between women. Initially, they surveyed women at WISH about balance in their lives. We have included some of the shocking results. Then this group went on to think about responses. One of their creative solutions was to try and create a stronger network amongst women. They wrote a statement of solidarity and started the Petroglyph Project. Charlene, a group member, describes the project.

Survey Results

The Survey on Violence was conducted by women participating in Emerging Voices: Developing a Collaborative Strategy to Address Violence Against Women in the Downtown Eastside, August-September 2003. They were assisted by researcher, Leslie Robertson. They surveyed 43 women.

Major Findings