Ten Part-time Leadership Positions for Women at WISH
October 1, 2005 -June 30, 2006
$10 Honorarium for Each 2 Hour Weekly Meeting
Goal of the Project
Emerging Voices Part II is a project designed to bring the ideas, experience and leadership of women at WISH into the decision-making committees: policy committee, fundraising committee, volunteer committee, membership committee and communication committee.
Ten women will be hired to work for 2 hours per week. They will work closely with Lucy Alderson, Learning Centre Instructor, and the Project Support Coordinator, to:
For many years, WISH has wanted the voices of the women who come to the Drop In to be active in the running of the organization. To date, there has not been enough support and attention focused on this issue.
Emerging Voices Part II is a project funded by Status of Women Canada for 10 months. Two part-time staff will work with women to bring important issues to WISH Committees and to provide a learning program for developing committee and consultation skills. The project will also advise the Board and Committees about additional ways that WISH can support women to be involved in the direction of their organization.
Time Commitment
The project will take place for ten months between October 1, 2005 and June 30, 2006.
The positions will meet for approximately 2 hours per week (some extra sessions may be necessary to meet Committee tasks, but would not exceed 1 extra hour).