Discussion Skills (Listening and Speaking) |
Cannot sit through a short discussion without interrupting or getting up to leave |
Able to listen to discussions while doing other activity such as colouring or crafts |
Listens and occasionally asks questions, can sometimes be defensive if others have a different opinion |
Listens to others, takes turn in speaking, offers opinions and suggestions on agenda items |
Initiates discussions on important issues, seeks group opinions, summarizes group discussion, looks for possible actions to take |
Note Taking |
Anxious or not interested in taking notes for self or group |
Willing to try writing notes, unclear about what to write down about the discussion |
Makes point form or sentence notes, tries to capture everything that is being said |
Makes notes about the main part of the discussion, sometimes unclear about how much detail to include |
Summarizes important points under each agenda item, records “actions to be taken” at the end of each agenda item |
Problem Solving |
States problem, believes solutions are impossible because “they” are in charge |
Relies only on self knowledge about problem and possible solutions |
Interested in what peers and others have to say about problem, who else faces problem? |
Optimistic about group’s ability to find solutions or partial response to problem |
Brings energy to problem solving, participates in group analysis of the problem, willing to seek outside allies when problem is greater than group’s capacity |
Hosting/ Chairing |
Resists the role of chair for self, may also resist anyone else taking that role |
Supportive of those leading a discussion Open to hearing about the role of chair |
Willing to assist with some parts of chair/host role ie. timekeeping, welcoming, writing down agenda items, reading previous minutes, helping group deal with intensity |
Willing to try co-chairing with more experienced facilitator, encourages others to participate, shows interest in group |
Practices chairing in groups, is aware of balance between group process and group productivity and does best to facilitate both goals |