Online and Offline

Internet access can be costly. Some services provide unlimited access, while others include a set number of hours with additional time costing extra. If you have a dial up Internet connection you may not wish to be connected at all Ames. This could cost a significant amount of money as well as de up a phone line - very important if you do not have a dedicated line for your dial up connection. It does not make sense to be connected to the Internet while you are composing your E-mail message. You only need to be connected to send the message. There are a couple of ways to control the online/offline situation.

With Windows 95, the operating system can be configured to autodial and autodisconnect the Internet connection. Autodial will cause the computer to dial the ISP whenever any Communicator component is launched. The autodisconnect feature will automatically disconnect the user after the computer has remained idle for a set amount of time. This is handy if you happen to go to lunch and forget that you are skill online.

To configure this feature, double click on the "My Computer" icon on the desktop, then open the Control Panels folder. Double click on the "Internet" icon. When the Internet Properties box is displayed, click on the tab identified as "Connection". Your screen should now look like Figure 2-15.

Figure 2-15

Figure 2-15

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