History List and Bookmarks
As you become more comfortable and proficient on the Web you will
find several pages that you will want to visit often. You may even
remember a link that you saw a couple of days ago that you now wish to
go to. Netscape provides a means of keeping track of where you have
been as well as your favourite spots. The history list keeps track of
where you have been, while bookmarks are a permanent shortcut to your
favourite Web pages.
History List
The history list is a collection of all the addresses of the Web
pages that you have visited. There are three different history lists,
each showing different information.
1. Click on the down arrow to the right of the Netsite/Location box.
A history list will be displayed as in Figure 5-6. To return to any of
these sites, click on the site address in the list. Take note, this
list will only contain sites that have been visited by typing in the
site address in the Netsite/Location box. It will not include sites
that were visited by clicking on a link.