Objective 5

To support the development of learners and practitioners in Native literacy
During the course of data gathering (Phase II Practitioner Standards Model, Phase II Field Development Moving Towards Action and Strengthening Partnerships projects) practitioners not only expressed the urgent need for face to face support, they also expressed their need for personal cultural awareness and training in adult learning principles.

Phase II Field Development: Moving Towards Action    Recommendation 2
i) That a relevant, cultural orientation training, designed by a creditable, Aboriginal facilitator be acquired and delivered to the Native literacy field.
ii) That on-going relevant, cultural training and refresher courses in teaching adult learners, become annual training events.


If the ONLC and the Native literacy field are to enjoy healthy development and make progress towards their vision the next step is to honour the consistent request for face to face, field support. ONLC with its staff of two cannot address the variety and multitude of needs expressed by the field since 2000. A third staff position must be created to address the realities of the field. Further, the third staff member must have special understanding and skills to meet the responsibilities of a Native literacy field development worker.

ONLC is currently in the process of forwarding a proposal to MTCU to accommodate this request as an integral part of its core funding.