Phase II Field Development: Moving Towards Action

Incorporated since 1988 and operating under the guidance of a volunteer Board of Directors, the Ontario Native Literacy Coalition (ONLC) is one of four provincial umbrella literacy groups funded by the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities to provide provincial networking and field development. The ONLC, a non-profit organization based in Owen Sound ON, serves Native literacy workers and learners in Ontario.

We want more Native People to be literate such that their spirit is empowered and we ensure survival.

The Ontario Native Literacy Coalition empowers holistic growth of Native People, their families and communities by providing culturally sensitive learning environments.

Further, the Native Literacy Field understands literacy to be
“... a tool which empowers the spirit of Native peoples. Native literacy services recognize and affirm the unique cultures of Native peoples and the interconnectedness of all aspects of creation. As part of a life-long path of learning, Native literacy contributes to the development of self-knowledge and critical thinking. It is a continuum of skills that encompasses reading, writing, numeracy, speaking, good study habits, and communicating in other forms of language as needed. Based on the experience, abilities and goals of learners, Native literacy fosters and promotes achievement and a sense of purpose, which are both central to self-determination.”

The ONLC currently serves twenty-six (26) Native literacy programs (see Native Literacy Programs in Ontario) throughout Ontario. The Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities (MTCU) funds the ONLC, with core funding and project funding through the National Literacy Secretariat - Human Resources Development Canada. (NLS-HRDC)