Field Development Phase II Working Towards Action Ontario Native Literacy Coalition 2003 |
“Aboriginal people have their own theories, approaches and practices of helping...they distinguish the relationship between individuals, families, communities and nations”(Hart 2002:23). The Native literacy field has avowed this holistic approach throughout its 15 year existence. “From a holistic perspective, it could be said that intervention will need to restore physical well-being to the body and harmony to the damaged social and spiritual self” (Ellison Williams and F. Ellison 1996 as cited in Hart 2002:54). The Native literacy practitioners have acknowledged that as individuals they are in need of significant levels of support and training. They have obviously accepted that “healing is also about people taking responsibility for their own learning and growth (Ross 1996 as cited in Hart 2002:56). 2In the reality that Native literacy programs operate in, education is the road to healing individuals and communities. Native literacy practitioners are asking for assistance and opportunity for growth in their chosen profession. Acknowledging that learning is a lifetime process and that because society and politics are in constant states of change, Native literacy practitioners realize that the skills, the expectations and responsibilities of their positions are in constant flux. Practitioners have provided ONLC with heart-felt direction in terms of Field Development. In recognition of previously expressed requests and after 6 months of contact with 26 programs this project documents the enormity, albeit simplicity, of the task of field development in the Native stream. It brings the inescapable realization that the ONLC which is in fact the field, requires support in the form of a full-time field development worker. One of the key factors is the isolation of the programs from one another. It is not economically possible to address continuous development in a large group setting. In addition, this same isolation prevents access to educational and literacy resources, ideas, and face to face sharing, equipment maintenance and services for many of the programs. ONLC is now respectfully advocating for an opening, to move the literacy field on to the next level. The Ontario Native Literacy Coalition will put forth a proposal for a third, full-time position. The duties and responsibilities of this position will concentrate exclusively on Field Development/ Capacity Building. |
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