Field Development Phase II Working Towards Action Ontario Native Literacy Coalition 2003 |
ResourcesAntone, Dr. Eileen, Heather McRae, Lois Provost-Turchetti and Moneca Sinclaire. editors. 2002. Literacy and Aboriginal Peoples: “Best Practices” Native Literacy and Learning Symposium. Toronto: OISE/UT Armstrong, Jeanette. editor. 1993. Looking At The Words of Our People: First Nations Analysis of Literature. Penticton BC: Theytus Books Ltd. Barman, Jean. Yvonne Hebert and Don McCaskill. editors. 1999. Indian Education in Canada Volume 1: The Legacy. Vancouver: UBC Press Barman, Jean. Yvonne Hebert and Don McCaskill. editors. 1994. Indian Education in Canada Volume 2: The Challenge. Vancouver: UBC Press Bird, John. Lorraine Land and Murray Macadam. editors. 2002. Nation to Nation: Aboriginal Sovereignty and the Future of Canada. Toronto: Irwin Publishing Chrisjohn, Roland. Sherry Young and Michael Maraun. editors. 1997. The Circle Game: Shadows and Substance in The Residential School Experience in Canada. British Columbia: Theytus books Ltd. Graveline, Fyre Jean. 1998. Circle Works: Transforming Eurocentric Consciousness. Halifax: Fernwood Publishing Hart, Michael Anthony. 2002. Seeking Mino-Pimatisiwin: An Aboriginal Approach To Helping. Halifax: Fernwood Publishing Hill, Diane. 1995. Aboriginal Access To Post-Secondary Education: Prior learning Assessment and its use within Aboriginal Programs of Learning. Ontario: F.N.T.I. First Nations Technical Institute Milloy, John S. 1999. A National Crime: The Canadian Government And The Residential School System 1879 To 1986. Manitoba: The University of Manitoba Press Treaty 7 11/01/03 Here Be Dragons. Turtle Island Native Network: Discussion. 2002. Survey of First Nations
People On-Reserve. |
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