How did Velma feel about alcohol? She hated it with a passion.
Why did they run for their lives to the clinic to call the police? Their older brother was on drugs and chasing them with a chainsaw.
How does Velma describe Christmas? A hardship.
What did her younger siblings do that made her cry? They ate scraps from the pots and pans because they were hungry.
What did Barry and Velma do one year? Ordered gifts from the Sears catalogue one month ahead for the kids.
What program did Velma work for when she was sixteen? What was her job? Homehelpers. Clean the house of an old woman named Blanche Strom.
What did Blanche tell Velma to do? Use her father's land.
What did Velma want to do? Learn how to trap and live off the land.
Respond to these in your journal.
“The less we had in the way of a family, the more we tried to fill the void with material goods.” Do you think people try to buy happiness? Give some examples.
Describe Blanche Strom.